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It means "Strength"

Alegria, Matrix, and...Death
2003-05-18 | 4:43 p.m.

Hey there. I just got back from Austin. I saw Alegria. It's a Cirque Du Soliel procuction. It's really quite good, though I didn't understand a lot of what was going on. The clowns gave interesting performances. The acrobats, contortionists, fire dancer, balancing acts, and dancers were all great. The music is awesome too. It's a great show, even though they did pull a bit of a marketing scam. The let the tent get very hot, so the audience was more than happy to fork over $4 for a bottled water during intermission, only to find that the air conditioning was on when we got back. I hadn't bought anything, so I didn't care. Nate did though, so I felt bad for him. Someone had also stuck gum on the back of the seat he sat in, so he had gum all over the back of his shirt.

We went straight from there to watch The Matrix Reloaded. The special effects are amazing. I won't ruin it for you, but it really is a great display of special effects and how far technology has come. I don't think it quite justified the hype the producer was giving it though. And the plot was honestly a little bit tiresome. But it has a cool ending and a nice setup for the last one. This movie seems basically like filler between the first one (which I think was as revolutionary as people claim) and the last one (which I am hoping will outshine the second one by a long shot). If you have to choose between the X-Men sequel and the Matrix sequel, go see X-Men.

I've also been going crazy, just a little bit. Friday night, I had a dream about my friend Jamie. He was riding in a car from a town called Midland (which may just represent somewhere West of me) with our friend John. Something went wrong with Jamie, suddenly, and they tried to get him to a hospital, but they didn't make it in time. He died. So I went to where everyone was. Apparently I had already moved or something, because they had to tell me what had happened. I kind of walked around for a little while, looking at pictures on the walls and whatnot. It was just me and Juli in the house. I was there so she wouldn't be alone. Then it really hit me that he was gone. I was standing in the foyer of this house looking at a sign in book or something, and it hit. I started to break down, and I went to tell Juli that I probably wasn't the best person to keep her company right then. She was still in shock over the whole thing. So I was just starting to really sob when I woke up. And that was it.

I called Jamie to make sure he was ok, but I don't think I was making any sense. I don't know. So normally I would shrug it off as "just a dream," but this is the third dream I've had that Jamie has died. I can't figure out why I'm dreaming this. I've analyzed it and analyzed it. There's no reason for my subconscious to be grappling with the idea of his death.

I'm worried.

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