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It means "Strength"

Here I am
2003-04-03 | 6:42 a.m.

Ok. I'm ready to start crying now. I won't, but I darn well could. I'm still sick. I am back where I was in September, I think. I HATE Cap'n Crunch! And I'm so mad at myself for not checking the list and for not signing up for the updates. Why didn't I do that?

So I'm having to miss work again today. Trust me, I would so much rather be at work than here dealing with this. I was sick all night. I have these huge dark circles under my eyes. I've been sick all morning. I still tried to get ready for work. I even got so far as trying to drive to work, but after I had to turn around (I had driven about 4 blocks), reality set in. I just can't do it. And I feel so guilty for missing work, but I can't even get there to stay in the bathroom at work. So here I am, lamenting in my journal, as usual, during one of my 15-30 minute windows when I don't have to be in the bathroom.

I feel like some creature is squirming around in my gut, besides the bacteria I mean. sigh. I can't believe this. It took me so long to get better last time. And now here I am again. Here I am.

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