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It means "Strength"

catchin' up
2003-06-05 | 9:08 p.m.

I just got back from the health club. I did abs today. I almost went earlier and then went to the grocery store for a bunch of dairy products instead. I can have dairy again! This is good and bad. It's good because I love chocolate milk. It's bad for the same reason. I drink way too much of it. Tomorrow I may treat myself to some cheese, unless someone moves it. Then I'll just wander around saying, "Who Moved My Cheese?"

That's a cute book.

I saw Lane at the health club. If you don't know Lane, just picture a super buff Marc McGrath. That's Lane. He just bought a red Mustang, and it's sooo awesome! He really deserves it. He's never had a good vehicle before. I'm really glad for him.

My friend Becca got a job in Wyoming at Yellowstone. So she's leaving Winter Park in Colorado. She seems to really enjoy the resort lifestyle. Of course, she's working there, but she gets to live there too. I visited the one in Winter Park once, and it was awesome. So we're both heading northwest. How exciting for us!

I have 21 work days left at my job. I'm becoming terribly apathetic. I still do a lot of work. Tons of work. But some things I just don't care about anymore. Yesterday I walked out of a meeting. I said, "Why am I here?" and left. It wasn't an important meeting anyway.

I got a second estimate today for shipping all my stuff to Oregon. It's 1000 dollars cheaper than the first one. Nice huh? So moving costs are looking soo much better now. I'm excited. I only have 36 calendar days until my last day at work.

Then I'm going to bum around Texas (I may be asking to stay with you) for a week plus and then move. I'm HOPING that a couple of my friends will go with me to Oregon and then fly back here.

I cancelled my violin lessons on Monday, but I'm still practicing. Yes, that was my big secret purchase. I haven't been learning anything lately, and it was getting to me. So I thought I'd learn to play the violin. I was taking lessons, but they are kind of expensive and I'm about to have all these moving expenses. I practiced today. Honestly, I think I'm kinda good at it. It sounds TERRIBLE, but I'm picking it up fairly quickly. :)

I'm up to 124 lbs! Did I already tell you that? My tummy is flatter than it has been in a while (despite all the milk), so I'm thinking it's muscle weight. Woo hoo!

That's all I have to talk about at the moment.

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