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It means "Strength"

This means WAR!!!
2003-06-22 | 11:29 a.m.

I talked to my mom earlier this morning. She seemed a little delirious after a night of almost no sleep. I'll get to the story behind that here in a bit.

She said that my brother is not working again. He had been driving a truck cross country, but he was stopped and tested positive for pain killers. So he's staying with some girl. I don't know what he needs to get it together. He's married (to someone other than the girl he's staying with). He had three kids. We haven't seen his oldest since he was a little boy. I think he'd be a teenager now or almost there anyway. His estranged family lives in another state. He's going to be 34 in a about three weeks. So he has no home, no real family life, and no job. He must be miserable. He's just so hooked on drugs, he can't get out of his rut. He's been to detox centers and places like that. It just never takes. When I saw Mom on Friday, she said, "I don't know what we did wrong with Kenneth besides the excessive indulgence and the total absence of discipline." Then I started laughing. Besides that?!

I've had my fill of finding out stuff about my real dad's family. I found out more on Friday than I ever really wanted to know...needed to know anyway.

My grandfather was placed in a psychiatric ward of a hospital yesterday. They are going to hold him there until they can find a nursing home that will take him.

I come from prime genetic stock, let me tell ya!

Ok, so here's why neither of my parents got much sleep last night:

They have declared war on their neighbors. The neighbors have a dog that barks all night long. My mom talked to them about the dog about a week ago. They didn't do anything about it. So last night the dog was barking, and my dad finally got up around one and yelled at the dog. That stopped it for a little while. Then it started again. So my mom got a whistle, went out into the backyard, and proceeded to blow the whistle everytime the dog barked. She did this for a little over two hours. Obviously, the idea wasn't to make the dog shut up but to make sure the neighbors were up too. I'm interested to see how the neighbors will retaliate.

Last night I had a very very long dream. I would even wake up and then the dream would pick up where it left off. I was stuck in this all too real nightmare. I won't tell you all of it, because I can't remember it all, and it was just way too long with too many plot twists and too much detail.

The short of it is: I was back in the town I grew up in. It was overrun by Satanists (there used to be actual reports of occultic activity there when I was younger). Anyway, they were desperate for me to join them, because I had some power that could tips the scales of spiritual warfare far in their favor. I wasn't really sure what it was that I was capable of doing though. So for a while, I was running from them. Then they would catch me. I was terrified of them, but not really afraid at the same time. I knew they wouldn't harm me, because they needed me. So I was in their compound, and they were explaining stuff to me. Then I rebuked them in the name of Christ, and four of them just vaporized as this incredibly bright light shot out from me. The rest of the group (and there were thousands) decided I wasn't going to help and that I could at this point be exterminated. They decided an appropriate death would be to nail me to a cross since that's how my Lord had died (before being resurrected). So they are driving nails into my wrists and hoisting me up on this cross. The sky is red. Everything is hazy. I start quoting from the Bible, and telling them that when Christ died on the cross it was to bring about forgiveness. That it wasn't too late for any of them.

They didn't care. They worshipped Satan. They were completely sold over to him. So then I let them know that while Christ death and resurrection brought forgiveness, my suffering would only bring wrath. I figured out who I was. Vengence. I am the vengence of God come to earth to destroy those who would oppose Him. Suddenly, I opened my eyes and the valley before me was full of the charred corpses of those who had woshipped Satan. Steam still rose from their blackened flesh.

Keep in mind this is the short version. This dream was SUPER detailed and terrifying, honestly.

So then my friends come and take me down from this cross. I hadn't been up there long enough to die. The next wave of Satanists come. Like the apostles after the death of Christ (no I'm not comparing myself to Christ), we all scattered in different directions. One person came with me. I don't know who he was. You'd think after having killed thousands upon thousands of Satanists, I wouldn't be afraid, but hey, Elijah was afraid after the prophets of Baal were slaughtered, so cut me some slack.

We were running and running, and I had a vision. There was another (ha ha..Star Wars). Anyway, there was another one who could tip the scales, and his parents were already in league with Satan. So there would be no problem convincing him. They just had to wait. I could see him in his mother's womb. His eyes were open. He was cold and calculating. I could tell. He was already planning.

Then suddenly, the entire compound (which was very high tech by the way), was immersed in a ball of flame. Someone else had attacked it. I could still see the child. His expression was one of calm acceptance..not defeat or fear. It was weird. So they were destroyed. The dream ended with me in the wilderness (desert), and I was still running. There would be more followers. There always were.

Ok, it's time for me to go run at the health club now. :)

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