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It means "Strength"

2003-07-30 | 9:55 a.m.

So I've decided to do an entry. Mainly because I'm bored.

My new apartment is nice. No air conditioning, but that should be ok in a few days. Right now it's not ok. ha ha. I can't believe how hot it is here.

I live right next to this very old woman. Her kitchen window is right outside my front door. She always leaves here blinds up. Consequently, I can see right into her VERY messy apartment. All she does is watch tv. I've seen her out of her chair twice since I've lived here. Once was today. She was leaning on her walker next to her chair (she was ok). The first time was a couple of days ago. I was coming out of my front door and she was right in her kitchen window. Scared me! I glance in everytime I go by to make sure she's twitching at least or something. Usually she's fiddling with the remote. I'm afraid she's going to die in there or something. No one would know until she started to smell, and since I'm her neighbor....I wonder how long it takes for dead body smell to get out of your apartment? Anyway, it turns out she has visitors checking on her now and then, so that's good.

Also, everyone is VERY friendly here. There are lots of churches, and I'm realizing this place is more conservative than I had thought. That's not a bad thing. So really it's not that different from my hometown. Just a lot prettier. YAY!

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