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It means "Strength"

2003-08-11 | 2:22 p.m.

Hey there! I've been busy meeting new people as of late...

On Friday I went to a house warming party in the hills in Portland. It was awesome. The people were very nice. A few of them were wearing Versace, and they all seemed well moneyed. There I was in my usual Gap Kids shirt. Nice huh? It was no big deal though. Everyone was really cool and made me feel accepted.

Sunday I went to church, and it was nice to worship with other believers. I think I'll probably go back to that one again next Sunday. I was going to keep looking around, but that would be kind of pointless since I've already found one I like.

My health is terrific. I'm still on the gluten free diet.

I've also met a couple of guys here in the complex who will be law students this year. I won't have any classes with them this year, since I'll be in business school until next year. They are really nice guys. One is 29 (Ethan) and I think the other is 23 (Jeff). Both have already had all these very cool life experiences and lived in interesting places. Jeff's dad has been an attorney for the last 30 years, and he came from Michigan. Ethan's parents are both professors somewhere on the East coast (they live in Cape Cod). Both guys are Jewish and have a lot of the same hobbies. And yeah, they're both straight.

I have almost nothing in common with these guys, but they seem like they'll be a lot of fun. I hope I get to be good friends with them.

I flat out told Ethan that I was from a hick town in West Texas. I'm no where near as sophisticated as them. Why pretend to be? But I can and will learn from them. They talk, and I listen. I'll soak it all in, and then when it comes time for me to compete with them, I'll crush them.

Hmmm, I seem to be getting my lawyer legs.

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