C h a z a q
It means "Strength"

in my dreams
2003-10-23 | 7:55 p.m.

I wrote this letter to that guy in my class...the one I was blantantly flirting with..then I decided not to send it.

I treated myself to a nap this afternoon, and I had a dream about the class. You were the main character though. You had scheduled a night on the town for everyone that wound up at your parents' house. It was this amazing three story architectural marvel that had a very cool open family room. The ceiling went all the way up to the roof (ok, I'm not good at describing architecture) and the second and third floors had a really cool polished maple stairwell that led to the first floor. You could see up to the second and third floor lofts, and at one point your dad came out to say hello to all your friends. Your mom, a blonde bombshell, was away on business somewhere (I knew she was beautiful because there were pictures of your parents around the house - she was some kind of celebrity). Chris H started telling me about their relationship, and he was wearing denim jams (remember jams?) and neon green socks. It was hilarious. Funny details stick out about this dream. Actually, I guess I didn't see you much in it, because you left the party at your house to go to Portland and hit a few bars/clubs. We had to lock up. That was it. So in doing an armchair analysis of the dream, I would say that I must see you as someone who has it all going for him (successful family, tons of friends, exciting lifestyle). It's funny that I assume those things in my dream, since I know hardly anything about you. But that's how you come across to me...you know, in case you were wondering.

Whoa, I just realized a wild comparison. I wasn't going to tell you this part because it didn't seem relevant...ok, this part is more for me than you. Just stop reading if this is boring, and I apologize for taking up your time if you have been totally bored thus far. Anyway, after I had a dream about your beautiful successful family and fun life, I had a dream about my family. We lived in a trailer house in dusty West Texas. I was taking a nap on this horribly old, ugly couch while I waited for my dad to come home so I could help him work on stuff around our farm. I got up and saw that my mom had hit a deer and really damaged some super cheap SUV she had.

Those dreams were back to back. So I guess I see myself as boring, dust country trailer trash compared to exciting, successful, sophsticated you.

I'm so glad I didn't send it...talk about lame! I'm still groggy from my nap...that would have been such a poor judgement call. So I'm sharing it with all of you instead :)

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