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It means "Strength"

2002-09-29 | 6:09 p.m.

Wild and vivid dream last night.

First, I was in a very stark land, dusty and gray. There was a large Adams Family type house in the middle of freshly plowed, powdery fields. These fields were divided by dilapidated, rusty fences. Skeletal trees lined the horizon. The sky was hazy, and there were no animals whatsoever. The land belonged to my biological father's family. My brothers could be found doing various things around the house. They were preparing for something, but I didn't know what.

Suddenly, they all turned on me. They considered me to be evil, because I could do things they couldn't (like fly). I tried to explain that God had just given me special gifts so that I could minister to people. Anyway, my "dad" decided that I had to be destroyed. So he and all my brothers were chasing me, and I was running/flying all over the place and up through the house. Then I climbed down this expanded metal thing after I reached the roof and realized there was no way down. They started shooting at me. Some of them were killed in the fire fight. I was shot too. I'm not sure if I died or what, but suddenly I wasn't there anymore.

I was at a meeting with supernatural beings, and I was being told of my sister's conversion to satanism. She was serving Satan in the United States (the meeting was somewhere in the Pacific or Asia) in Alabama (where one of my brothers lives in actual life). So I was dispatched to either bring her back to Christ or send her to Satan.

How odd (this is just occuring to me) that in one dream I am the one being persecuted because of someone else's beliefs, and in the next I am sent to destroy someone based on my beliefs. I suppose the difference is that in the first dream someone else had determined whether I was a Christian or evil, and in the second my sister was blatantly and admittedly evil.

So I was sent. I flew across a plain, and the colors were quite vivid. I wasn't sure where I was going, but only that I was to follow the morning sun. I was to head East across the Pacific. Suddenly, the land beneath me fell away as I traversed a cliff. I instantly fell closer to the water, but did not fall in. I flew across the top of the water and into California. I stopped and asked some random people where this town in Alabama was located. They gave me a general idea, and I was on my way.

I got to the main town and was told that their commune was down this dirt road. So I walked down this tree covered dirt road and finally got to a group of trailer houses arranged in a circle with chickens running all over the place. These people were poverty stricken. I couldn't figure out what the attraction was to Satanism given that they had nothing to show for it. Then my sister came and I talked to her, and there were a lot of other very vampy, beautiful girls there. oh, and the role of my sister in this dream was not an actual sister. This sister was frighteningly beautiful. But back to it. She basically told me that she would never come back to Christ.

I left her there and went to get my mom. Mom went back with me and we tried to convince her to come back with us. We talked to all the girls about Christ. They wouldn't turn. Then they started to attack us, and this older woman who was like their mistress came out and started to attack us. We told her that we had come in the power of Christ and that nothing they could do would harm us. So it began.

Suddenly there was a great battle. The main force of the attack was focused on my mom, and they were chanting something like, "Release and renew the spirit." I thought they had come around and were trying to get rid of their demons, so I said, "Yes! Release your demons...let Christ renew your spirits!" But they said, "No! We release our demons on her so that her spirit might be turned to us. We serve only Satan!"

This dream was intense and scary, but I knew Christ would protect us. Then, shockingly, my mom was struck and she fell. She died.

I looked over at my mom and then back at the girls and said, "If you serve only Satan, then go back to him!" And I did this thing with my hands, and these giant hands suddenly broke forth from the ground and pulled the girls into the earth, straight to Hell.

I threw some paper away that had the girls names written on it and walked toward a vehicle. I exclaimed something like, "Be restored in the name of Christ!" My mom was sitting in the passenger side of the vehicle, perfectly fine. We drove away.

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