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It means "Strength"

The Bleeding Cho
2003-10-28 | 11:28 p.m.

Margaret Cho talking about Paul Hill and her own abortion...this is not the entire passage...just the end where she gets personal:

I had an abortion, and you know what? It fucking hurts like hell. The fact that the medical community has not made early termination easier and less painful is just another example of how sexist our country is. You lie in a big room, filled with crying teenage girls, pissed off women in their '20s, someone older like me, reading a Redbook from 1994 and beating myself up at the same time because the rubber broke and I didn't even fucking like that guy in the first place and then occasionally other random thoughts like 'wow, I am going to try to bake that at home', and countless others. We are collectively suffering, because pregnancy feels like there is somebody in there. And for whatever reason, and every reason is the right reason, you can't have a tenant. So you gotta evict. Nothing personal. The doctor sticks a Cuisinart into the upper reaches of your vagina and turns it on Puree. And then you see that the tenant has checked out, leaving you hollowed out and alone, and all you have to show for it is a bloody hole and a recipe for lemon poppy upside down cake. The secret is to shave lemon rind into the batter, but not too much. It will be bitter if you aren't careful. You come out, never wanting to have sex again, feeling sick, bleeding like Theresa Saldana after she got stabbed 52 times, and the protesters have the gall to call you a murderer. Fuck you. Seriously. Fucking fuck you.

And the biggest fuck you to you Paul. I hope God gives you a good smack upside your head when He sees you. "That is not what I meant you piece of shit! Get those wings on and get the fuck out of My office! Peter?! Get him out of My sight."

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